Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Carrying Out My GAME Plan:

Connect, Learn, Succeed at Boise State  with technology

G - Goals, A - Action, M - Monitor, E - Evaluate-Extend

In order to become more proficient I plan to work on familiarizing myself with the safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources. Once I have become more familiar I will then introduce it to my students. I will emphasize digital responsibility through the use of online ethics. This goal aligns with the indicator- Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility as listed in indicator A on the ISTE website.

My GAME Plan Goals:

  • Ø  I will first best friends with the Standard 4 of the ISTE Standards for Teachers focusing on the concept of digital citizenship. 
  • Ø  I will review PowerPoints, Slide Shares, & Blogs of Ethical and Legal use of Technology in the Classroom
  • Ø  Utilize Teacher Education Programs
  • Ø  Collaborate with Others
  • Ø  Create a Blog to Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility that can be shared and updated by as many people as possible.
  • Ø  I will monitor my progress through assessments and responses of other collaborators.
  • Ø  I will then extend my knowledge to my students.

I will also work with the National Educational Technology Standards to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity by enhancing the learning environment of my students through technology. This goal aligns with the indicator- Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments. It is our job as educators to utilize our knowledge to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. By utilizing technology we can engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources.

My GAME Plan Goals:

  • Ø   I will utilize technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments.
  • Ø  I will stay up to date on technology through collaboration, research, Blogs, & Wikis.
  • Ø  I will explore lessons that integrate technology including web quests, podcasts, iMovie, etc.
  • Ø  Utilize technology in student-centered learning.
  • Ø  I will monitor my progress through assessments and responses of other collaborators as well as my students.
  • Ø  I will then extend my knowledge to my students.
  • Ø  I will learn from my students and their comfort with technology.

The resources that I need to carry out my plan are the internet, computers, electronic devices, software, and access to all of these plus a list that continues to grow. I will also utilize collaboration with my peers and students, learning from each other can aid both sides of the learning environment. I will continue to do my homework and stay abreast of technology and digital citizenship in order to provide my students with the most effective educational opportunities as well as the mindset of being digital citizens.

International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards for teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). Integrating technology across the content areas: Enriching content area learning experiences with technology, part 2. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Prensky, M. (2008). Turning on the lights. Educational Leadership, 65(6), 40–45.
Retrieved from the Academic Search Complete database. 


  1. Michele,
    WOW! I really enjoyed reading your blog post this week! You have got it going on! Seems like you are super organized and have a detailed plan of action and specific goals in mind! I really like that you are beginning your plans with educating your students about digital citizenship. What grade do you teach? I actually found some great resources through Brain Pop and Brain Pop, Jr. that I plan to use in my classroom. Brain Pop, Jr is more juvenile: and the regular Brain Pop is a little higher level:
    Our state library provides South Carolinians with a membership as an extension of their programs. Discus, which is South Carolina’s Virtual Library, provides all South Carolinians with access to an electronic library of essential information resources, through school, college, and public libraries. DISCUS is funded by the South Carolina General Assembly, with supplemental funding by the federal Library Services and Technology Act. DISCUS is administered by the South Carolina State Library. This is such a great resource for us that I utilize often! Maybe your state does something similar as well?
    Good luck with your game plan. I was very impressed by both of your post and I am sure you will experience much success! Great job!
    Jessica Burnette
    3rd grade - Math / Science
    Woodruff, SC

  2. Jessica,

    Thank you very much for your response. I currently home school my three children in grades 8, 10, & 12. I have to tell you I love Brain Pop, being geared for K-8 does not top me from utilizing it with my older boys. Many times they just enjoy learning from it, other times when they think they are a know it all about the topic I will have them take the Brain Pop test first to see if they do truly understand the concepts. If not they will go back and review it then take the test again. I find Brain Pop to even be a great resource for them or simply supplemental material from time to time.


  3. In addition to Brain Pop, Shmoop ( is another wonderful site that has so amazingly fun but content oriented videos for middle school and high school age students. They have free videos that you can use but they also have great interactive resources and exercise for a fee. The district that I student taught in used their online curriculum for one of their intervention courses because it kept the older students engaged, especially the ones that had taken a course before and failed.


    Marcie Curcie
    MS Math
    Idyllwild, CA

  4. Marcie,

    Thank you so much for your feedback, I will definitely check out Shmoop ( Having a site geared towards middle school and high school age students is awesome. It is certainly harder to find things geared to this age group.

