Sunday, April 19, 2015

Effective 21st-Century Educator's

This course has helped me to develop my own technology skills as a professional teacher by expanding my original definition of technology and how it is utilized in the classroom. Technology really does change the role of a teacher, many times people take the word technology for granted and assume that it is just a short cut for students not to have to learn formulas or cursive writing. They think it is a quick way to access an answer, utilize a calculator, or not have to write a paper. Technology offers a way to engage students in learning individually and collaboratively.
Teaching and learning go hand-in-hand, in order to be a successful teacher one must choose to grow and learn through a variety of means. Becoming an effective 21st-century educator and constantly evaluating the skills students need to compete in the global economy. In order to do so an educator must be a lifelong learner, one that is willing to learn from their peers, but also from their students. According to Richardson 2010 students need to be able to collaborate with peers, not just in the classroom, but also from around the world. Educators need to follow the same rule of thumb. Educators must also be aware of the rapidly changing technology and have the ability to choose between necessary and unnecessary technology.
In order to continue to expand my knowledge of learning, teaching, and leading with technology with the aim of increasing student achievement, I must continue to foster peer relationships and be a creative thinker. Educators also need to develop a toolkit that allows our students to utilize online tools in a positive way. We first need to ensure students understand the need to make safe, educated choices when dealing with technology. It is our job to prepare our students for the ‘real world’ that exists. Students need to be comfortable with the idea of change and be willing to adapt to the changes around them. My long-term goal is to create and share a dynamic learning environment that can help to prepare students for the future. Our students need to be prepared for 21st Century Skills including critical thinking, communication, technology, and collaboration that are needed for future success.

Laureate Education (Producer). (n.d.). The changing role of the classroom teacher: Part 2 [Video file]. Retrieved from
Laureate Education (Producer). (n.d.b). Technology and Society [Video file]. Retrieved from
Prensky, M. (2008). Turning on the lights. Educational Leadership, 65(6), 40-45.
Richardson, W. (2010). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

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